Vijayanagar College


About the Department

The department of physical Education came into existence on the day the college was established during the academic year 1964-65. The University of Mysore accorded the affiliation to the department on the basis of the report of chairman of the then academic affiliation committee Dr. D. J. Dawar, Director Collegiate education, Mysore. First two academic years, 1964-65 and 1965-66, physics war offered as one of the optionals for the one year intermediate course (Now Pre-University Course, PUC).

The Physical Directors Worked in this Esteemed Department

Sri Mohan chandrashekar,Sri P Maranna,G GuruBasavaraj, Sri Padmavathi

Department Faculties Details:

VSKU BLUES 2019-2020

VSKU BLUES 2018-2019

VSKU BLUES 2017-2018